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What we do

Sustainable, Green, and Low Energy Architecture

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Mile Stone 1

alasir architects intends to practice the integrated project delivery* method for the ECO TalAlRumman Project. (IPD is a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents of all participants).

To accomplish this method alasir architects held a meeting in their Offices on Saturday 21st  August 2010, 10:30 am, at the early stages of the master plan design process that aligned different parties, such as architects, mechanical, electrical, structural engineers, grey water specialist, contractor, as well as the client to tie together the talents and insights of all participants so that they can optimize the best value for the project, reduce waste and maximize effectiveness through all phases of design, fabrication and construction.
As a result of this meeting the participants discussed the design principles each from his angle of specialty, and decided the mile stones of the project.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Green Go Rural- Go Tal AlRumman!

About 20 kilometers north of Amman, overlooking King Talal water dam and close to the Royal Botanic Garden, there´s a breath taking natural landscape known asTal AlRumman. 

Attacked by New developments and human growth, the natural characteristics of this virgin area are being altered, thus becoming imperative to declare it a green community to protect this natural site as well as to promote the green building principles and improve the life quality of people. 
Tal AlRumman Eco project is the first private sector initiative to build a sustainable integrated Eco home to set an example in the area for living green and environmental consciousness in Jordan.
This is the beginning of a project that can set an example in the region and change mindsets towards a more environmentally friendly and green thinking behavior. 

In order to start with this private project here at Al Asir Architects, we had to follow the bio climatic design principles and take into account the climatic envelope of the region, utilizing passive strategies in lighting, cooling, and heating to achieve the occupant thermal comfort and aiming for zero emission and possibly zero energy project that reduces ecological impact. 
We are following the Green building principles in terms of site treatment & consideration, energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, and resources applicable in this case to examine availability and applicability.
The whole project will be using local material and new experiments to use insulation products and solutions. 
In addition to rain water harvesting and grey water reuse while waste treatment (composting) will be examined too.
Xeriscape to design the mountain in addition to organic vegetation will add value to the sustainability of our project.
As part of our social responsibility to promote green building solutions and enhancing the knowledge of practitioners, we are inviting all related parties interested in the environment to comment on any part and the team will make sure to respond, share thoughts as well as experiences and consider any valid suggestion or solution.
You can follow our project in Jordan up to date with this blog, to get an insight on how we handle the problems that may arise in this semi desert region and how we are applying the green building principles to it. 
This project is still at an early stage, but we will post any  news related with it often, as well as local and regional green building and sustainable solutions. 

Video-1: MasterPlan phase-1 Layout: Eco Home;